Subscription for Institutions

The subscription version of the service is intended for institutions which, by their nature, are interested in checking considerable amounts of text.

The service was conceived in such a way that it could easily be adapted to the structure of a particular institution.

The benefits of a Subscription:

1. The ability to create multiple user accounts that can upload documents to the system for analysis (for example: Accounts can be created for each member of the academic body in a university, for each student or for each department);

2. Coefficient for Quotations and Legal Acts Database;

3. Possibility to protect the originality of already verified works. Each newly introduced work is analyzed compared to the work added to the internal database;

4. Ability to compare with multiple databases by participating in the database exchange program. Thus, the texts subject to verification are compared with:

  • Internet Resources – all open access texts and files available on the internet;
  • Internal Database – created by adding documents to the beneficiary’s database;
  • External Databases – of other institutions that use our system;
  • RefBooks – created by our company, contains over 3 million texts and publications from all scientific and cultural subjects;
  • Legal Database – contains all Romanian and European law.

*RefBooks contains over 3,500,000 texts in different languages, taken from databases such as ( e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance, Statistics, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science, and Economics), Paperity. com (over 6,500 scientific journals published on free access. List of journals: and

5. Common policy for all accounts

6. Flexible conditions regarding the size of the documents checked;

7. Assistance and consultancy throughout the collaboration;

8. There are no daily limits on the size and number of documents checked;

The terms and conditions of cooperation based on a subscription will be stipulated in the contract and adapted to the requirements of the client.

If you are interested in this type of collaboration, please contact us at: